Aurel Basic

Pa Aurel Basic i koristi scintillu kao editor…
Ako ti pod autocomplete podrazumjevaš autosave to imam ugrađeno.
Evo dodao sam i tabove…

Aha sad kužim - intelisense -dodavanje keyworda na osnovu praćenja koda.
Da to svakako izgleda ok.

Svaka čast na trudu - nije da se basicom nešto posebno služim ali napor treba pohvaliti. Keep up the good work, mate! :slight_smile:

Hvala NeuroPlin:)

Dodani tabovi…

What is NEW in Aurel Basic RC2 build 1.2 ?

new commands are:
GETLINE ID pos line$
GETNUMDIM numvar = array.n
GETSTRDIM strvar = array.i
editor improved with tabs
updated chm help
bug fixed in :
command LET

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All best…

And finaly is here after many internal changes and bug fixes…
What is NEW in Aurel Basic RC2 build 1.25 ?

new things are:
execute math expression under
command Print and SetText
ShowControl ID opt
Mousemove event
Keyboard event
updated help
bug fixed in :
Tab names

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New version of Aurel Basic is 1.29
new things are:
LoadFileFast filename controlID
SaveFileFast filename controlID
NoSleep 0|1
SetHorizontalW controlID wSize
FileToListBox controlID filename
ListBoxToFile controlID filename
Ellipse x y w h
GoTo labelName
Label labelName

updated help
few bug fixed

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