Euro buisness guide - pokušaj prevare

Pozdrav, sigurno ste upoznati sa spamom koji šalje
, nažalost neki od nas (dosta firma iz hrvatske) su i nasjeli, te im poslali ispunjenu formu, stavili štambilj i potpis, a za uzvrat smo nakon 2 tjedna dobili račun na 990€. neznam ako netko ima kakav savjet, evo prilažem e-mail koji sam im poslo nakon što sam primio račun i njihov odgovor…


hi, i wanna to cancel order to put my company into your guide. At first, you sent me a lot of SPAM, after that i try to fill the form that you stop bothering me, because it say that Updating is free of charge, and now you send me a bill for 990€, ridiculous. please stop bothering me.


Dear Mr Curak,

I am writing on behalf of EU Business Services Ltd.
I am affraid that your cancellation request comes too late to be validated. Please review the order form and the terms and conditions that govern it. As you will see, we offer our clients a period of seven days after signing the order to cancel it in full.The order signed on behalf of InfoStudio is dated 3.04.2008. This means that you could have cancelled this order until the 10th of April.

Having received a signed order on your behalf and with no ulterior notification from you that you wish to cancel this order, within the given time, we normally took the signature as a firm acceptance of our services and did our job. Starting with the eighth day after signing your company benefits from our services, that is :an insertion into our directory, plus the cd with European businesses you have received. As you can see, we have respected our part of the agreement and we expect your company to do as well.

I will also ask you to review the order form and the terms and conditions. You shall see that all the details regarding our services and the contract to which you bind your company by signing (including price and duration and possibilities of cancellation ) are stated on the front page of the order form and reiterated in the terms and conditions. The price is stated three lines about the signature.

Updating is indeed free of charge but that is a different service that we offer to clients we already have. You yourself can now benefit from this service. Whenever changes interfere in your company’s details ( adress…name…division) we will update your company’s data in our directory, without any cost, at your request. Insertion however costs 990 euro per year, as stated on the order “the price per year is euro 990”. I remind you that the order clearly asks, " Only sign if you want to place an insertion" and that " the signing is legally binding".

I am sorry that you did not read the whole content of the order form, but we cannot cancel the invoice for the first year, as we have already delivered our services and we have our costs regarding your insertion. And above all, there is no other possibility of cancellation offered in the terms and conditions that govern this order form and that we cannot breach.

However, you still have the possibility to cancel this order for the years two and three of the agreement( as by signing you agreed for a three year subscription), provided you make the payment for the first year’s subscription, invoice no.12149 (meaning the services that we have alredy delivered). Please review paragraph 6 of the Terms and Conditions that grants you this right.

Let me know what you have decided.

Best regards,

Best regards,
Account Manager

EU Business Services Ltd.
Call center: 0031 203 120 477
Fax: 0031 205 248 107
[email protected]

Hvala na obavijesti. Ove stranice su uvijek dosta visoko na Googleu, pa će moguće pomoći nekome u budućnosti.

Kako mi se čini da znaš još neke ljude koji su ovime zahvaćeni, predlažem da zajednički kontaktirate odvjetnike. Odvjetnički ured Šavorić i partneri u Gundulićevoj primarno zastupa inozemne firme u Hrvatskoj i odvjetnici su izbora za strance. Navodno nisu jeftini, ali su vrlo stručni i ako vas je više, preporučam da im se javite.

Lako moguće da se ovdje radi o nečemu trivijalnom, poput toga da niste bili jasno obaviješteni o cijeni, a i poput toga da ste državljani RH.

šta predlažeš onda, dali da im odgovorim onda nešto, da ćekam da eventualno pokrenu postupak protiv mene (ako to mogu uopće??), ili da se odmah javim odvjetniku? račun koji su mi poslali ni nemam jer sam ga odmah bacio…

Ma nek slobodno pokrenu postupak protiv tebe ako se usude, svakom sudcu ce biti jasno o cemu se ovdje zapravo radi :wink:

Ja ti ne želim ništa predlagati u ovoj stvari, jer ne bih znao niti što da predložim sam sebi. Osobno bih zakasnio u plaćanju, a svakako što prije odvjetniku prikazao cjelokupnu dokumentaciju.

Također bih odmah (u ponedjeljak) zatražio i zaštitu (ako on ocijeni da to jest u njihovoj domeni) ili barem mišljenje općinskog državnog odvjetnika:

Ne vidim smisla upuštati se u daljnje diskusije s njima, jer sumnjam da će oni odustati od svojeg gledišta.

Potraživanja niti mi od naših ne možemo utjerati, a kamoli neki stranci koji pecaju preko e-maila: oni vjerojatno ne znaju niti na mapi naći Hrvatsku.

cijeli pokret postoji protiv tih varalica.

Predlažem da svakako pismeno upoznaš s tim slučajem Hrvatsku gospodarsku komoru, Obrtničku komoru i druge udruge, posebno malih i srednjih poduzetnika, kako bi upozorile članove. Kako plačaš članarinu HGK-u također se možeš i njima obratiti. Isto tako svakako upoznaj naše državno odvjetništvo s time, a možeš i MVP i policiju.

On jako teško da će imati ikakav doseg u HR, a pogotovo te njegove utjerivačke kompanije. Ne bi oni u ovim našim vodama znali plivati. Ali je dobro na vrijeme pisati svim institucijama u RH kojih se čovjek može domisliti, jer je frajer očigledno uporan, a mi ulazimo pomalo u krug tih zemalja u kojima on, njemu slični i njihovi odvjetnički i drugi pomagači operiraju.

I što si na kraju napravio? Ja sam tek skuzio da su me zeznuli! Molim Te javi ak vidiš ovo!


Evo pravnog teksta glede prevare. Ne mogu vam ništa i nikad nisu pokrenuli Sud, a prošlo je 5 godina

Dana godine zaprimili smo Vaš račun br. u kojem navodite da smo Vam dužni platiti iznos od 990 EUR.
Dva puta, točnije
. I
__. obratili ste se gdinu._____, s naznakom “updating is free of charge” te ste nam u prilogu dostavili prijavnicu.

U niti jednom mailu niste nam spomenuli da smo Vam dužni platiti zatraženi iznos, ali ste “velikodušno” u oba maila naveli da je ažuriranje podataka besplatno.
Smatramo neprihvatljivim da ste bitan sastojak pravnog posla kao što je cijena naznačili u stavci koja se nalazi na dnu prijavnice, s minimalnom veličinom teksta.

Naše mjerodavno pravo u svojim osnovnim načelima trgovačkog prava propisuje načelo savjesnosti i poštenja po kojem su sudionici obveznog odnosa dužni postupati, kao što to reguliraju i trgovačke uzance, a što Vi sa stavljanjem cijene na dnu prijavnice nikako niste ispoštovali.

Isto tako Zakon o obveznim odnosima propisuje da je dužnost ponuđača da u ponudi naznači bitne sastojke ugovora kao što je predmet i cijena, što Vi u oba slučaja niste niti spomenuli.

Isti Zakon propisuje da je pravni posao ništetan ukoliko se radi o zabranjenom pravnom poslu gdje jedna strana zlorabi svoj monopolski položaj na tržištu te time navede drugu stranu na zaključenje ugovora.

Između ostalog, ovaj pravni posao je i pobojan jer se radi o bitnoj zabludi, jer cijenu niste naveli u dopisu koji koristite u svom poslovanju, a na što ste bili dužni. Isto tako postupali ste prijevarno i tako nas naveli na zaključenje ugovora te je pravni posao i iz tog razloga pobojan.

Sigurna sam da i Vaše pravo regulira osnovna načela poslovanja, kao što je načelo savjesnosti i poštenja te dobra vjera svakog sudionika u obveznom odnosu.

Uza sve navedeno, nismo Vam dužni platiti iznos koji od nas potražujete te Vas lijepo molim da ovaj dopis, uz navedene argumente smatrate raskidom bilo kakve naše poslovne suradnje.

On ______we received your invoice No. ____ in which you state that we are obligated to pay the amount of EUR 990.
Twice, to be more specific, on __ February and ___ February you contacted Mr. ____stating that “updating is free of charge” and you sent a registration form in the attachment.

Not a single e-mail contains your request for payment of the above amount, but you “generously” stated in the both e-mails that updating of data is free of charge.
We find it unacceptable that this important component of the legal business, such as a price, has been indicated as an item on the bottom of the registration form written in minimum text format.

Our applicable law as regards its fundamental principles of the Commercial Act prescribes the principle of due diligence and integrity according to which all participants in one legal business are obligated to act in the manner specified by commercial regulations which you failed to comply with when you put the price on the bottom of the registration form.

In the same way, the Obligations Act specifies that every bidder is obligated to incorporate all important components of the Agreement in its bid, such as the object and price of the agreement, which you failed to mention in the both cases.

The same Act prescribes that the legal business is considered invalid if a prohibited legal transaction is concerned, whereas one contractual party abuses its monopoly on the market and induces the other party to enter an agreement.

Besides, this legal transaction is contestable as a significant delusion is concerned, since you failed to mention the price in your letter which you use in your business operation, which you, however, were obligated to do. At the same time your conduct is fraudulent and induced us to enter into agreement. For this reason this legal transaction is contestable.

I am certain that your law also prescribes some fundamental operating principles, such as due diligence and integrity and good faith in every participant in the legal transaction.

Taking it all into consideration, we are not obligated to pay the amount you request and I am using this opportunity to use this letter after having specified all the above arguments, as a termination of any business cooperation between us.

Poslali su mi mail nakon 5 godina i mogodgovora, pisu da platim kako da se ništa nije dogodilo, ako prođe prođe. Diletanti

Dana godine zaprimili smo Vaš račun br. u kojem navodite da smo Vam dužni platiti iznos od 990 EUR.
Dva puta, točnije
. I
__. obratili ste se gdinu._____, s naznakom “updating is free of charge” te ste nam u prilogu dostavili prijavnicu.

U niti jednom mailu niste nam spomenuli da smo Vam dužni platiti zatraženi iznos, ali ste “velikodušno” u oba maila naveli da je ažuriranje podataka besplatno.
Smatramo neprihvatljivim da ste bitan sastojak pravnog posla kao što je cijena naznačili u stavci koja se nalazi na dnu prijavnice, s minimalnom veličinom teksta.

Naše mjerodavno pravo u svojim osnovnim načelima trgovačkog prava propisuje načelo savjesnosti i poštenja po kojem su sudionici obveznog odnosa dužni postupati, kao što to reguliraju i trgovačke uzance, a što Vi sa stavljanjem cijene na dnu prijavnice nikako niste ispoštovali.

Isto tako Zakon o obveznim odnosima propisuje da je dužnost ponuđača da u ponudi naznači bitne sastojke ugovora kao što je predmet i cijena, što Vi u oba slučaja niste niti spomenuli.

Isti Zakon propisuje da je pravni posao ništetan ukoliko se radi o zabranjenom pravnom poslu gdje jedna strana zlorabi svoj monopolski položaj na tržištu te time navede drugu stranu na zaključenje ugovora.

Između ostalog, ovaj pravni posao je i pobojan jer se radi o bitnoj zabludi, jer cijenu niste naveli u dopisu koji koristite u svom poslovanju, a na što ste bili dužni. Isto tako postupali ste prijevarno i tako nas naveli na zaključenje ugovora te je pravni posao i iz tog razloga pobojan.

Sigurna sam da i Vaše pravo regulira osnovna načela poslovanja, kao što je načelo savjesnosti i poštenja te dobra vjera svakog sudionika u obveznom odnosu.

Uza sve navedeno, nismo Vam dužni platiti iznos koji od nas potražujete te Vas lijepo molim da ovaj dopis, uz navedene argumente smatrate raskidom bilo kakve naše poslovne suradnje.

On _______we received your invoice No. ___in which you state that we are obligated to pay the amount of EUR 990.
Twice, to be more specific, on ____________you contacted ___________stating that “updating is free of charge” and you sent a registration form in the attachment.

Not a single e-mail contains your request for payment of the above amount, but you “generously” stated in the both e-mails that updating of data is free of charge.
We find it unacceptable that this important component of the legal business, such as a price, has been indicated as an item on the bottom of the registration form written in minimum text format.

Our applicable law as regards its fundamental principles of the Commercial Act prescribes the principle of due diligence and integrity according to which all participants in one legal business are obligated to act in the manner specified by commercial regulations which you failed to comply with when you put the price on the bottom of the registration form.

In the same way, the Obligations Act specifies that every bidder is obligated to incorporate all important components of the Agreement in its bid, such as the object and price of the agreement, which you failed to mention in the both cases.

The same Act prescribes that the legal business is considered invalid if a prohibited legal transaction is concerned, whereas one contractual party abuses its monopoly on the market and induces the other party to enter an agreement.

Besides, this legal transaction is contestable as a significant delusion is concerned, since you failed to mention the price in your letter which you use in your business operation, which you, however, were obligated to do. At the same time your conduct is fraudulent and induced us to enter into agreement. For this reason this legal transaction is contestable.

I am certain that your law also prescribes some fundamental operating principles, such as due diligence and integrity and good faith in every participant in the legal transaction.

Taking it all into consideration, we are not obligated to pay the amount you request and I am using this opportunity to use this letter after having specified all the above arguments, as a termination of any business cooperation between us.

Hej, hvala na obavijesti. Rep+. :doki: