Free database hosting

Postoji li kakav freehosting koji omogućava postavljanje barem 10 baza i 50 MB prostora. Na google nisam ništa suvislo i ozbiljno pronašao.

Pošto već imam nekoliko amaterskih stranica (udruge i sl.) koje održavam i neke faktički i plaćam, ne želim još jedan hosting namet. Iako se radi o sitnim novcima, to nikuda ne vodi.

Konkretan povod za post je taj što sam već po drugi put (od 10 mogućih) morao reaktivirati free host na byethost. Možda nešto krivo radim (ne bi mi bilo prvi put) pa da podijelim Ticket prepisku sa njima:

[SIZE=“1”][color=“Green”]Q. i just had to must reactivate my account because appearing messages of exceeding the space of mysql databases, but in the control panel I see that I still have 19 MB of free space … please explain[/color]

[color=“Red”]A. - Thank you for contacting us. Your website has been using excessive MySQL resources on the free hosting servers.
As a result of the high MySQL server load and resource usage, your website was suspended.
If this account is reactivated are you able to prevent / correct this problem? (this normally happens using wordpress / joomla with some bad plugins enabled that overuse mysql)
If this is the normal usage / behavior for your website, you should consider upgrading to a premium account:
Every premium account includes a free domain name, huge disk space, traffic quotas and hundreds of extra features:

We have reactivated your free hosting account, you may continue to use free hosting for as long as you need providing you lower the webserver usage on this account, if your site continues to overuse these resources then it will be re-suspended automatically, we allow an account to be reactivated a maximum of 10 times.
Please do consider the upgrade options above, your website will benefit enormously from being upgraded to premium which has no MySQL limits and would be perfect for your website![/color]

[color=“Green”]Q. Which part is exceeded?

Plan:Free Hosting
FTP accounts:1 / 1
Sub-Domains: 0 / 50
Add-on Domains:0/ 50
Parked Domains:0 / 50
MySQL Databases: 7 / 50
Webspace:5632 MB
Disk space used: 2 MB
Disk Free: 5600 MB
Inodes Used: 1%
MySQL space used: 30 MB
MySQL space Free: 20 MB
Bandwidth: 204800 MB
Bandwidth used: 149 MB
Bandwidth remaining: 204651 MB[/color]

[color=“Red”]A. Your MySQL activity is what is at issue, you should try to optimize your scripts with regard to caching where possible.[/color][/size]


Pa lijepo ti piše, problem je velika aktivnost tvoje MySQL baze, ondnosno vjerojatno konstantno slanje upita prema bazi, a prema svemu sudećem i baza ti nije optimizirana pa prilikom rada zauzme previše memorije, procesora itd.

Baza egzistira već 2 g., a zadnji upload je bio tamo negdje ljetos i dosad nije bilo nikakvih problema, niti se desio ikakav događaj koji bi prouzročio naglu navalicu upita prema bazi.

Svo vrijeme saradnje sa bytehost povremeno su mi stizali promotivne email-brošure za prelazak na paid hosting. To je OK. Nakon navedene dvokratne suspenzije posumnjao sam da bytehost počinje vršiti pritisak ili lagani odjeb pošto je već očito da zauzimam određene resurse bez namjere promjene accounting plana i zbog toga pomalo tražim alternativu.

Od službene statistike imam ovaj screen od prije par minuta.

Pošto je baza implementirana (kao iframe) u jedan forum, upravo sam onemogućio vidljivost neregistriranim posjetiocima pa ću vidjeti kako će se stvari odvijati.
