Mail od Facebook u vezi IA

Dobio sam mail od Facebook-a i sto uraditi a nemam firmu, ne mogu nadograditi na Business Manager account ako nemam firmu

Upgrade to Monetization Manager by March 1

Monetization Manager, the new destination for managing monetization and performance with Audience Network, will replace the Audience Network tab on the Facebook for Developers site on March 1. Please upgrade to Monetization Manager as soon as possible to minimize disruption to your account.

As a current user of the Audience Network interface, please upgrade to Monetization Manager by visiting our self-service tool and follow the 4 steps to upgrade. For more in-depth information on upgrading to Monetization Manager, please visit our Help Center.

Prerequisites for upgrade:
An administrator role for your apps in the Facebook for Developers site.
An administrator role for the Business Manager account (in case the account already exists; otherwise it can be created in the upgrade process)

Monetization Manager will help to:

  1. Understand performance with deeper reporting including new advanced filtering options across countries, platforms and custom date ranges, and the ability to export with placement, country and date breakdowns.

  2. Maximize revenue with advanced optimization tools including CPM Targets to set price goals for each placement to help deliver more consistent CPMs.

  3. Simplify management of apps and sites including comparing performance across placements with Ad Spaces.

If you have any questions, contact the direct support or your Facebook representative.

Ne znam odakle ti ta ideja, inace pisalo se o ovome vec…Ali kao i obicno ne citate. Nista bitno osim boljeg izgleda, na “prvu”.

@cupomakarska nista nisam nasao u vezi toga maila. Znaci ne moram nadograditi ali se bojim da me ne ukinu nakon 4 marta

Nisam to rekao, nego kazem da ti ne treba firma. Nadogradi, logicno…Cim zahtjevaju, trebalo bi i uraditi.

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Ok, nadam se da nece posle traziti potvrdu da zaista imam firmu, pod tim imenom mogu upisati ime sajta

Mozes da upises ime firme “Pera kojot super genije” i neces da imas problem, to je samo naziv tvog biznis akaunta i nista vise.

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Da li ima mogucnost da se vrati na staro, uradio sam update, zarada se moze pratit zadnja 24 sata i zadnjih 7 dana ukupna, ne mogu nikako da nađem kao do sada sto je bilo , ako se ne varam od 10h ujutro "pocinje " novi dan i sutra u 10 ujutro zavrsava i za tih 24 sata se oobracuna zarada impresije ecmp i td.

Imas, idi na custom i obelezi samo danasnji dan i imaces.

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