Problem sa bazom

Pozdrav svima,

Moze mi neko pomoc sa bazom imam neki problem.Nikad ovo nisam vidio tako da ne znam kako popravit.

Uh oh! Something went wrong ...
PHP [Parsing Error]: syntax error, unexpected 'emtec_billh' (T_STRING) IN includes/config.php(12)

Prebacivao sam sve sa jednog provajdera na drugi.

Provjeri da li ti se prefiks novokreirane baze poklapa u config.php.

Evo config po meni je sve uredu

// Database host / default: localhost
$db_host = 'localhost';

// Database name
$db_name = 'emtec_billh;

// Database username
$db_user = 'emtec_billh';

// Database password
$db_pass = '**********';

// Please enter here Credit Card Encryption Hash used to encode credit cards details in Database. Use only ASCII letters and digits
$ccEncryptionHash = 'e429ad0c600e271e4060244c1e45da34';
// Note, hash above has been automatically generated during installation.
// Please copy it into safe place or use your value.


// Additional security settings:
//Admininstrator folder name, default is admin

 //Absolute location of templates_c dir - leave false for default
 $hb_templates_c_dir = false;

 //Absolute location of attachments dir - leave false for default
 $hb_attachments_dir = false;

 //Absolute location of downlods dir - leave false for default
 $hb_downloads_dir = false;

 // Advanced DB settings:
 //Database Port
$db_port = '3306';
 //Database Engine - mysql is default
$db_engine = 'mysql';

Naso sam gresku glupa je al me namucila hahah

// Database name
$db_name = 'emtec_billh; - zaboravio gore stavit ovaj zarez

E takve su najgore :smiley: