Tražite pisca za članke i niste baš zahtjevni? :) No, možete i biti

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Neprofitna istraživačka organizacija OpenAI koja se bavi umjetnom inteligencijom početkom godine objavila je da su izradili AI sustav GPT-2 koji je na zadanu temu mogao pisati tekstove, tj. izmišljati činjenice i dovoljno kvalitetno ih pretvoriti u tekst, :+1: pa je odmah proglašen robotskim automatiziranim kreatorom lažnih vijesti. :blush: U međuvremenu su ga malo ograničili i sad više ne proizvodi toliko koherentne rečenice i kompleksne tekstove, ali je ipak donekle upotrebljiv. Može ga se isprobati na Bug

Izvorni link članka je gore u podnaslovu, testirajte ovaj tool sa predzadnjeg linka iznad (talktotransformer), hvala na vašem mišljenju ovdje u topicu, a ako se sada jave novi “pisci na engleskom” u oglasima, prepoznat’ ćemo ih. :smile: :o:

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Ovo bi bilo idealno za izmisljene erotske clanke.:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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Da samo izmisljeno pise. ja sam nesto utipkao i tako je ruzno izmislio da ako bi to objavio negdje ne da bi me tuzili nego bi me mrak preko noci pojeo…

No recenice su mu jako dobre, pise bolje engo mnogi pisci koje sam u zivotu susretao…

Au isprobao sam,zbunjen je i on i ja.


Ne znam sta da ukucam Novitet21 Novitet22

“It seemed strange to me that you must be one of those men.”

Dorotheus and Zogreus were talking in their kitchen together. “I am not one of them,” said the first, “and we are not going to be members of the Brotherhood. I think you should not ask my opinion at such a moment, not unless I have an important proposal to make.”

Zogreus hesitated for a moment, gazing at the old man who was preparing the dinner.

“You are wrong about that; there is an important matter here,” said Dorotheus, “and you must not interfere with it. You know that our friends have given it to me.”

“Yes,” said Zogreus, with a sigh.

She turned away. “But there was very good reason to suspect the Brotherhood of corruption; the Baron had been a member for many years under another name, and if the Baron saw me, let him know that the Baron does not know me.”

40 ovakvih clanaka i aplikacija za adsense :joy:

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ovo je baš fora :smile:

Je li neko provjeravao izvor ovog teksta? Ja sam lupio neku recenicu, napisao je tekst na tu temu, i kad sam otisao na web search tog teksta odveo me na neku stranicu o ljepoti i lijecenju…

Da li je bas ovo unique tekst iz njihove baze ili jednostavno na osnovu kljucne rijeci zalijepi ti neki tekst sa nekog portala…

Vjerojatno nisi stavio text “pod navodnike”. :wink: :o:

Ne znam za vas ja napravih blog

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He he, :blush: ova ti je dobra. :+1:
Znao sam da će biti korisno. A još… :smile: :o:

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Nikad Kurira, Alo ili Informera od njega :grin::grin::grin:

Ili ipak hoće, evo šta sam ja dobio započinjući tekst sa Trump is a:


Trump is a terrible guy." Trump even tried to distance himself from Bannon, calling him “one of my people” and saying “he’s a person I know very, very well.”

Bannon has since been removed as executive chairman of Trump’s campaign.

Here’s Trump’s reaction when confronted for the first time with the accusation, which comes as Trump prepares to address the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday:

“You know, look, there’s no other way to put it. He’s the founder and chief executive officer of the company, ran that organization. … He ran it all the way to the end. And then he lost. It’s disgusting, and it’s sad. To win, you have to have great generals — believe me, people say that. But his generals — his whole group, and I have to say the entire staff — ran this organization into the ground, the people. This was the worst run campaign in political history that we’ve ever seen.”

As The Post documented, Trump’s initial reaction to the charge didn’t endear him to many Democrats, who blamed him for creating

Edit: primjetim da “mašina” šeta po webu i između tri vijesti sklopi jednu - probajte s nekom regionalnom ličnošću

Ja sam probao sa Olivia Wilde i napisao mi vijest da joj je kcer umrla i da ju je neki manijak ubio u stanu. Kcer joj je djete i ima 3 4 godine ako dobro racunam. probao provjeriti vijest i vidim da nema nista o tome da joj je kcer ubijena. Zamisli da sad to objavis negdje pa gotov si drugi dan.

Novaj Djokovic :joy:

Novak Djokovic as the last woman to play the Masters since 1988, her 17th career major title and 21st major title.

When Djokovic and Nadal meet at Wimbledon, he will play in his final match in four years and return to his best since 2007.

He will play on turf that he won in 2009, after defeating Michael Afton via 4-6(3). Nadal won the match in 2015 by a final margin of 5-4 5-3, but it was an emotional victory for the fans.

Hahaha, i nije toliko promasio kada ga je nazvao zenom, pa bogte licka se ko neka baba… hahaha

Kolinda Grabar Kitarović , the president of the National Union of Mineworkers (UNM) union in Croatia, is a well known feminist icon and in the 1990s she played a role as a feminist campaigner for the women’s rights movement - an organization which has come to symbolize Croatian feminist ideals. :wink:

Wm forum is now closed:,16.msg2636.html#msg2636

So basically this means that we need to do what we’ve been doing on : check what commits a user has committed. That way you can see how that guy uses Git to work, whether he’s using Git because he is a hacker as opposed to just because he has a personal interest in git.

A jadna masina,kada se docepamo mi odavde ala ce sada biti unikatnih vesti za google adsense aplikaciju :joy:

Da li su unikatne? Meni je na dva clanka izbacilo da vec postoji na netu, tj.izvor su sa nekih stranica…pa sad…

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U pravu si,sad svaki clanak moram proveravati,jer cu aplicirati za adsense.Mada je korisna stvar jer ne moram sam da smisljam.

Jel rangira sta? :smile:

Odstajem jer ova vest nije tacna,jos ce me neko ubiti zbog toga :smiley:
“Andy Murray wins Wimbledon 2015 and takes home $250,000 for beating Roger Federer”