Adsense pomoc?

Evo ovako ja sam jos novopecen u ovome i realno nemam pojima.Po guglu sam tragao o net zaradi i naleteo na ovaj brilijantan forum ili ti sajt sta god.Stos e tice ovog Adsense pokusao sam prvo bio na YT da to izvedem ali YT partnership ne podrzava ljude iz Srbije jos uvek tako da to otpada,onda sam napravio blog i poslao zahtev za tamo i stigla mi je sledeca poruka koju ne umem da protumacim jer sam slab sa engleskim a translate na guglu je uzasan.Pa resih da pitam ovde sta da radim i kako?Ok,to je to,hvala unapred za odgovor a pitanje sledi:
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we’re unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.
We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

  • Domain ownership
    Further detail:
    Domain ownership: To complete our review of your website, we need to confirm that you have access to the HTML source code of the URL you’ve submitted or were given access to AdSense via a third-party platform.
    I. If you host your own website or can edit the HTML code, please complete the following steps:
  1. Access the HTML source code of
  2. Create a separate page on the site and paste the snippet:

This post confirms my ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions: ca-pub-6697164085368384

3. Resubmit the application as described below after replacing in the 'Website URL' with the URL of the page on which you have pasted the snippet. II. If you would like to monetize your YouTube channel: If you'd like to submit your YouTube channel for monetization, please apply for the YouTube partner program. If you've already been invited to become a YouTube partner, follow the instructions in the invitation email you received. Please keep in mind that submitting a YouTube URL without an invitation to participate in the program won’t enable you to display Google ads in videos or on your channel page. III. If you'd like to monetize your content created on an external publishing or sharing platform: If you'd like to submit a page or channel that was created on an external publishing or sharing platform, please check if the platform offers AdSense monetization opportunities. If so, make sure to apply for AdSense through your publishing platform following their guidelines. Please keep in mind that applying for AdSense without following the instructions provided by your publishing platform may not enable you to display Google ads on your page.

Prilikom ispunjavanja zahtjeva upisao si krivi url od svog bloga, izostavio si slovo ‘t’, umjesto treba biti

Ako te i drugi put odbiju to je zato jer je blog jako loš, Google zahtjeva neki minimalni nivo kvalitete.

A jel bi mogao da mi objasnis sta ovde traze i kako to da uradim?
I. If you host your own website or can edit the HTML code, please complete the following steps:

  1. Access the HTML source code of
  2. Create a separate page on the site and paste the snippet:

This post confirms my ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions: ca-pub-6697164085368384

3. Resubmit the application as described below after replacing in the 'Website URL' with the URL of the page on which you have pasted the snippet.

Traže da ubaciš određeni sadržaj na svoj sajt koji se nalazi na krivom linku koji si im dao, dakle ne možeš napraviti to što te traže. Zaboravi taj email i ponovo ispuni zahtjev za registraciju novog AdSense računa sa ispravno unešenim url-om od bloga.