Adsense primanje pošte

Brat mi je počeo s adsensom (youtube) i sada mu je došlo jedno upozorenje da mora upisati PIN koji će mu doći poštom, ali gdje otići u adsense da mu dođe poštom? Nema nikakve informacije što kliknut.

Prikaz plaćanje pa adresa.

Nemogu tu stalno me šalje da se logira iako je logiran. Ovako mu piše kad uđe u adsense:

Your payments are currently on hold because you have not verified your address. [ACTION]

On klikne tu ACTION tipku i piše mu ovako:

Verify address Congratulations! Your earnings have reached the verification threshold, so we’ve started the process of verifying your account. This will prepare you to receive your first payment once you’ve earned the payment threshold.

To verify your account we automatically generate and mail a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the payment address listed in your account. Once you receive your PIN, you’ll need to enter it at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, your account remains active and you may continue to show ads and accrue earnings.Enter your PIN
Most recent PIN was generated Jun 11, 2015


Your PIN will be sent by post 3-5 days after the date listed above and may take 2-4 weeks to arrive depending on the postal service.

To verify your address, please enter your PIN as provided in the card sent to you by Google.Please note that if your PIN is entered incorrectly three times, ad serving and account access will be suspended.

Nisam ni primjetio, ali on je tu nešto radio i prije (neznam točno što) vidim sada kad sam pejstao Most recent PIN was generated Jun 11, 2015 To mu nije stiglo ako je tada poslano. Jeli se ikako može da opet pošalju?

Evo našao:

Mora imati 10€ da bi mu poslali…