Koliko bi platili sajt s recimo 1000 AI clanaka?
Imam mogucnost kupiti tako nesto, ali ne zanam kako formirati cijenu (0 posjeta)…
Clanci su ok napisani, ne prepoznaje se na prvu AI.
Ovisi da li ima neke pozicije a posto je 0 posjeta ocito nema. Ne bi ga nikad ni kupio.
Razlika izmedju AI i “obicnog” sajta ne postoji. Kad sajt kupujes gledas druge stvari, on-page, off-page seo, tehnical seo, ima li prostora za skaliranje, kakva je nicha, poseta, zarada (da li moze da se ubaci jos koji nacin zarade) itd itd.
Da li je ai pisao ili neki indijac, pakistanac, nema razlike.
Inace slazem se sa Mrgudom, ni ja ne bi kupio, toliki broj tekstova mora da rangira bar nesto iako je sajt mlad.
Kako je to uopste moguce da nije obo ni jednu posjetu, ta i corava kokos zrno neko ubode. Nema razloga da tako nesto kupis, bolje cist domen na nuli, nego sajt sa 1000 clanaka na nuli, jer tu nesto ne stima
Tu se u suštini kupuje 1000 AI članaka, koji mogu koštati od 0.01 do 0.5 po komadu. Domena eventualno može imati neku vrijednost. Daleko od prodaje sajta
Problem je što si samo generisao članke automatski a nisi uradio nikakav SEO niti si istražio tržište. Bolje ti je bilo da si posvetio vrijeme na 50 članaka i radio barem nekakav SEO na njih nego što si generisao još 950 koji nemaju nikakvu vrijednost. Samo si izgubio vrijeme.
Moj prijedlog je da prvo istražiš tržište i naučiš basic SEO pa onda koristiš AI alate jer na način na koji ti radiš moraš imati sreću kakvu niko drugi nema.
Radi se o tome da je 1000 clanaka generirano oko jedne niche, 90% tih clanaka jos nije niti objavljeno vec cekaju u na objavu kroz 6mj. Iz tog razloga nema posjeta, clanci su generirani u zadnjih par dana dana. Dakle radi se o novoj/clean web stranici. Nitko nije rekao da nece biti posjeta, samo ne znam kako definirati cijenu.
SEO je ok, nista specijalno ali fin je opus clanaka oko te niche. Primjer obrade niche…
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Ukoliko će biti članak 150-200 riječi ok će to biti ali ako budeš izvlačio 800-1500 riječi sa AI-em nema od toga ništa kad se malo začitaš 70-80% teksta u članku je bukvalno isto…
Nije to bas tako. Evo ja jucer izgenerirao vrhunski clanak putem Bing Skype chata.
to da se objavi preko APIja (sve sa zakazivanjem) kosta oko 50-60$ u tokenima (pricamo o GPT 4, ako je gpt 3.5 turbo onda je to 2$)
ajd uzmi neki od ovih keyworda i napravi gpt-4 clanak od 700 rijeci (iz jednog odgovara) gdje je 70-80% teksta isto
naravno da nije, pogotovo kad radis clanke dio po dio
Kreni malo dublje pa ćeš vidjeti
Kuda dublje? Dobio sam vrhunski clanak na hrvatskom duljine 1500 rijeci sa svim relevantnim podacima i odgovorno tvrdim da je to puno bolji clanak na tu temu od bilo cega sto postoji na netu. Kad to stavim online prvi sam za taj keyword u roku od 10 dana.
can my labrador eat carrots
can my labrador eat cucumbers
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can my labrador eat zucchini
Kad izbacis meat and egs, ne znam sta ima da se pise o ovom ostalom po 7oo rijeci a da se ne nalupeta zesce. Evo ja ubacila
i veli:
Preparation: Always wash and peel carrots to remove any dirt or pesticides. You can then cut them into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards.
E jbg
evo i za tikvice i krastavac
Preparation: Wash the zucchini thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. You can then chop it into small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for your Labrador to eat.
Preparation : Wash the cucumber thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. You can then slice or chop it into small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for your dog to eat.
to sve u jednom chatu na gpt 4? (to mi djeluje kao da si na istom chatu radila nesto na gpt 3.5)
Evo kod mene sta uradi, pa ocijenite dal valja:
In the vast world of canine nutrition, understanding what’s best for our furry friends can often seem like navigating a maze. Especially when it comes to specific breeds like Labradors, owners want to ensure that what they feed their beloved pet will not only satiate them but also nourish them. One common query that springs to mind is about feeding carrots to Labradors. Are these crunchy orange vegetables a safe and nutritious treat for our dogs? Let’s find out.
Nutritional Benefits of Carrots for Dogs
Carrots, often revered as the poster-child for eye health in human nutrition, offer a host of benefits. But what exactly makes carrots a potential snack for our canine companions?
Vitamin-packed Powerhouse: Carrots are notably rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, K, and C. Vitamin A, derived from beta-carotene in carrots, is crucial for vision. Meanwhile, Vitamin K plays a role in blood coagulation, and Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help in repairing body tissues.
Dietary Fiber: Carrots are also high in fiber, particularly soluble fiber. This is beneficial for maintaining healthy digestion in dogs. Dietary fiber can help prevent and alleviate constipation, ensuring that your Labrador’s gastrointestinal system runs smoothly.
Low in Calories: For dog owners concerned about their pet’s weight, carrots can be a great low-calorie treat. Instead of offering calorie-packed treats, a piece of carrot can be just as satisfying without the extra pounds.
Minerals Galore: These vibrant vegetables also contain essential minerals like potassium and manganese. Potassium is essential for nerve function and muscle health, while manganese plays a role in bone health and metabolism.
In essence, when considering the nutritional profile of carrots, they seem like an excellent addition to a dog’s diet. But, it’s essential to understand if there are any breed-specific concerns for Labradors.
Are Carrots Safe for Labradors?
The simple answer is, yes, carrots are safe for Labradors. However, as with all foods, there are some considerations to keep in mind.
Toxicity Concerns: Carrots are non-toxic to dogs, including Labradors. This means they don’t contain any substances that can harm your dog when consumed in moderation.
Raw vs. Cooked: While both raw and cooked carrots are safe for dogs, each comes with its advantages. Raw carrots are crunchy and can be a satisfying treat for dogs that love to chew. On the other hand, cooked carrots are softer and might be easier for older dogs or those with dental issues to consume.
Choking Hazards: Like any hard, crunchy food, there’s a potential choking risk associated with feeding whole carrots, especially to eager eaters like Labradors. It’s always best to cut carrots into manageable pieces for your dog to prevent any choking incidents.
In conclusion, with appropriate precautions, carrots can be a safe and enjoyable treat for Labradors.
The Health Benefits of Carrots for Labradors
Eye Health: As previously mentioned, the beta-carotene found in carrots gets converted into vitamin A, crucial for maintaining good vision. Although the myth that carrots give superhuman night vision has been debunked, they do contribute to overall eye health, which is beneficial for dogs as well.
Dental Health: Here’s a lesser-known benefit – chewing on crunchy carrots can help clean your Labrador’s teeth. The act of chewing can naturally scrub away plaque, acting as a natural toothbrush. This is particularly beneficial for Labradors, known to have a predisposition to dental issues.
Antioxidant Benefits: Carrots are a good source of antioxidants, which are essential for combating oxidative stress in the body. This means they can potentially support immune health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall well-being.
To sum it up, not only are carrots safe for Labradors, but they also offer a range of health benefits that can contribute to your dog’s overall well-being.
Potential Risks or Concerns
Despite the many benefits, there are some concerns to be aware of when feeding carrots to Labradors.
Moderation is Key: While carrots are healthy, they should be given in moderation. An excessive amount might lead to digestive upset in some dogs.
Pesticides: Non-organic carrots may have pesticide residues. Always wash carrots thoroughly before feeding them to your dog. If possible, opt for organic carrots to reduce the risk of chemical exposure.
Adverse Reactions: While rare, some dogs might be allergic or sensitive to carrots. Always introduce any new food gradually and monitor for any signs of allergies or sensitivities, like itching, swelling, or digestive upset.
As always, when introducing a new food to your dog’s diet, it’s best to consult with your vet and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.
Tips for Feeding Carrots to Your Labrador
Serving Size and Frequency: A few pieces of carrots a few times a week is a good starting point. Adjust based on your Labrador’s size and dietary needs.
Preparation: Always wash and peel carrots. Cutting them into bite-sized pieces reduces the risk of choking.
Cooked vs. Raw: Both are fine, but consider your dog’s preference and dental health.
Carrot-Based Treats: Consider making carrot dog biscuits or adding carrot puree to your dog’s food for variety.
Other Vegetables Labradors Can Eat
Apart from carrots, there are other vegetables safe for Labradors. Some of them include:
- Broccoli
- Green beans
- Peas
- Brussels sprouts
- Spinach
However, always introduce new foods slowly and in moderation.
To answer the initial question – yes, Labradors can eat carrots. They not only offer a satisfying crunch but also provide a range of nutritional benefits. By being mindful of potential risks and following the recommended guidelines, carrots can be a delightful addition to your Labrador’s diet.
i ovdje ima ovo bite-sized, ali u nesto drugacijem obliku, i rekao bih da nema tu nekih problema
Pa eto opet veli da trebas psu oguliti mrkvu i isjeci u komade. Ta nije beba, Ili su ljudi fakat prolupali toliko da je to normalno . A izgleda da jesu, evo ova kako kuha psu mrkvu:
Jest ChatGPT sve bolji, nema govora. I ne samo on nego i ostali botovi, i moze se super clanak napisati ako se navodi. Ali pustiti da stanca 1000 tekstova, ne vjerujem da to moze izic na dobro. Iako ces brinuti o SEO-u, nema smisla pisati 500 clanaka od to 700 rijeci na svaku od ovih banalnih pitanja. Mislim da je 250 plafon.