
Tražim besplatne knjige o copywritingu (pisanje u svrhu prodaje).
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Pošto je copywriting – kako je to John E. Kennedy 1904. na jednom neformalnom sastanku sročio Laskeru – samo “prodaja u pisanom obliku”, i pošto više-manje svi principi prodaje vrijede i tu, izuzev drugačijeg postupka prenošenja sâme poruke, logičan početak je da počneš od učenja prodaje i psihologije prodaje i ponašanja kupca.

Ovdje bih za početak predložio jednu besplatnu knjigu domaćeg autora, Alen Majer - Kako Prodavati, odi na
i skini pdf, a ne bi bilo loše ni blog proučit, dodatno će ilustrirat i iskristalizirat informacije navedene u knjizi –

Dalje, pronađi materijale o prodaji autorá:

  • Tom Hopkins (How To Master the Art of Selling Anything, Sell it Today, Sell it Now, i Low Profile Selling) – dobro strukturiran pristup prenošenju znanja prodaje, samo dobro prouči sve što ovaj čovjek ima za reći, upamti informacije, i svakodnevno ih upotrebljavaj, to je najbolji način da informacije održiš na jednoj kompetentnoj i aplikabilnoj razini.
  • Neil Rackham (Spin Selling) – niskoprofilna prodaja skupljih proizvoda i usluga, ali vrijednost lekcija je univerzalna
  • Brian Tracy (Psychology of Selling) – malo razvodnjen stil prezentiranja, ali ovo uvijek preporučujem prvenstveno zbog načina na koji je objašnjena metodologija donošenja odluke pri kupnji, i načina kako formirat i integrirat jedan efikasan sales framework u direktnoj prodaji

Neću dalje ulazit u to, ovo je dosta za start, nadam se jedino da se znaš snaći u vezi toga kako doći do ovih materijala, pošto (van Majerove knjige) svi koštaju.

Da se vratim nazad na sâm copywriting, stavit ću nešto što mi je obično prva stvar koju vadim iz arhive kad netko pita kako krenut sa copywritingom, radi se o Halbertovom postu o tome kako u relativno kratkom roku doći do dovoljnog znanja da možeš zakoračit u copywriting:

[quote=""]Providing, of course, that the person in question has talent and, much more importantly, the ability to follow directions and an appetite for very hard work,here’s how I’d do it: If you were my student, the first thing I’d ask you to do is give yourself a basic education in valid advertising principles. To begin with, I’d want you to read everything listed below:

“Scientific Advertising”

-by Claude Hopkins

“The Robert Collier Letter Book”

-by Robert Collier

“Tested Advertising Methods”
-by John Caples
"How To Write A Good Advertisement"

-by Vic Schwab

“The Gary Halbert Letter” (all back issues)

-by Gary Halbert
"The Boron Letters"

-by Gary Halbert

“The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches”

-by Joe Karbo

“Break-Through Advertising”

-by Eugene M. Schwartz

“7-Steps To Freedom”

-by Ben Suarez

O.K., now that you’ve read all that material, what’s next? This: I want you to get a copy of the following ads and direct mail letters:
“Do You Make These Mistakes In English?”

“What Everybody Should Know About This Stock And Bond Business”

“The Nancy L. Halbert Heraldry Letter”

“How To Burn Off Body Fat, Hour-By-Hour”

“At 60 Miles An Hour The Loudest Noise In This Rolls Royce Is The Ticking Of The Electric Clock”

“Why Men Crack”

“How To Collect From Social Security At Any Age”

“The Admiral Byrd Transpolar Expedition Letter”

“The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches”

And, in general, anything you can get your hands on that was written by Gary Bencivenga, Dan Rosenthal, Joe E. Kennedy, Pat Garrard, Steve Brown, Drew Kaplan, Claude Hopkins, Joe Karbo, Ben Suarez, Joe Sugarman, Gene Schwartz and, of course, yours truly.

Onward. Now that you’ve obtained copies of these ads and letters, I want you to sit down and copy them out word-for-word in your own handwriting. Next, I want you to create a hand-drawn layout of each ad and direct mail package. Listen: The goal here is to get you to create a professional package (completely “comped up”) that is all ready to go first to a typist and then to a typesetter.

Now, after you’ve done all this, I want you to actually take one of these packages to a typist and then to a typesetter and have the ad or direct mail package typeset. Then proof the ad and, after making any necessary corrections, have a velox (stat) made of it.

Alright. What you have just completed is all the necessary “end steps” of writing out the final draft of an ad, laying it out and getting it typeset and stated and totally (and perfectly) “camera-ready” so it can be given to a “no-brainer” publication printer.

Do this. Do it. Do it. Don’t be simple-minded. Don’t come to me and say, “O.K., Gary, I’ve got the idea. I know what you’re getting at. It really wasn’t necessary for me to do all that mechanical stuff as long as I understand what you’re driving at, right Gary?”

Sorry Buckwheat; it doesn’t work that way. If you really want to know it, you’ve really got to do it.

There are no shortcuts.

You know, I’m sick to death of people who can’t be bothered with the little nitty-gritty details of “hands on” experience. Of people who believe that somehow they can know a thing without experiencing it. Listen: It is possible to be “conversant” with something and really not have any kind of “gut understanding” of it at all. I’m sorry, but no matter what your Mommy and Daddy told you, men can never really understand the pain of childbirth, priests cannot comprehend the joys of sex, “normies” can never understand alcoholics, and not one speck of true advertising wisdom has ever been written by a PhD.

By the way, did you ever see all those ads by copywriters in DM News and the Reporter of Direct Marketing? The ones where they mention all their awards?

Know this: Not one of the legends mentioned so far in this letter care one iota about awards. No, my friend, if you would ever hear Ben Suarez, Sugarman, or any of the rest of us talking about our achievements, we won’t be talking about awards, we’ll be talking about numbers!

Forgive me, I digress. Let us press on. So far, we’ve only done the “end steps” of creating an ad. In actuality, there’s a hell of a lot more involved before we ever get to that point. It’s time to go back to work. It’s time to prepare your “tool kit.” First, I now want you to go back and reread all those advertising books and back issues of my newsletters (including the Boron Letters and, this time, take notes. Write down every good idea, every important insight and every nugget of wisdom that is contained in all that material. What this means, my friend, is that by the time you are finished, you should have hundreds of notes.

Put these notes aside. Next, go back over all that material and write out every headline you find therein. Also, get a bunch of back issues of The National Enquirer and Cosmopolitan Magazine and copy all the headlines you will find that seem to be repeated over and over. Especially copy a lot of the “cover blurbs” from Cosmo; they are superb. Another good source of headlines is “2001 Headlines” which was compiled by Jay Abraham.

Let us review. Here’s what you should have done so far:

  1. You should have read all the books and newsletters I have recommended.
  2. You should have copied out all the ads and direct mail letters I have listed.
  3. You should’ve had at least one of those promotions comped up and typeset.
  4. You should’ve reread all the books and newsletters and taken hundreds of notes.
  5. You should’ve read all those “headline sources” and copied down mucho headlines.[/quote]

Neke od ovih knjiga bi moglo biti teže pronaći, ali veći dio se može naći na Amazon ili ebay, netko mi je rekao i da Michael Senoff ima part-side venture za prodaju rijetkih klasika u području marketinga, prodaje, PD, copywriting i sl, ali to ne mogu potvrdit, ja sam sve uspio naći na jednom drugom mjestu.

Od ovih gore, Claude Hopkinsov Scientific Advertising možeš naći online pošto mu je istekao copyright, to je vjerovatno najpoznatiji klasik u području marketinga, copywritinga i prodaje, tako da nije potreban nikakav uvod, samo odi na
, ili googlaj “ime + pdf”, može se skinut na dosta mjesta. Uostalom, Ogilvy je sve rekao u vezi te knjige: “Nobody should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book seven times. It changed the course of my life”. :wink:

Ključan je i proces proučavanja i transkripcije visoko-konvertirajućih primjera oglasa, Gary je gore detaljnije opisao taj korak, ja ću samo stavit resurse gdje se mogu naći neki primjerci za swipe file:
– samo traži imena boljih copywritera, podatci o konverzijama nisu dostupni, ali nisu ni pretjerano bitni.
– ovaj nije besplatan, ali pretplati se čim budeš mogao, neću nitša previše opisivat navedeni sajt, nailazit ćeš na njega često na svojem ad copywriting putu, počesto i sa primjerima kvalitetnih oglasa sa sajta, što će te dovoljno uvjerit u kvalitetu.

Preporučujem još Senoffov
gdje možeš naći intervjue sa poznatim i manje poznatim facama u copywritingu, marketingu, prodaji i vezanim područjima.

Sad sam malo felšao od onog startnog uvjeta threada da materijali budu besplatni, ali vjerujem da sam pokrio područje odgovora koje je pitanje zapravo tražilo. Vjerujem da ne tražiš (OP) samo besplatne knjige o copywritingu, nego tražiš kvalitetnu copywriting edukaciju na temelju koje možeš izgradit karijeru, a gore navedeni Halbertov proces je sasvim dovoljan za početak, i dosta copywritera je upravo tamo počelo, bar što se tiče onih koji su ovo mogli shvatit ozbiljno i kojima copywriting nije bila “tek još jedna stvar koju će proučavat 2h dnevno i postat vrhunski copywriteri za pola godine”. Dodaj na to još ovu moju listu materijala o prodaji, i imat ćeš ostvarene sve preduvjete za uspješnu copywriting karijeru… naravno, pod uvjetom da ne skreneš sa tog kursa i kreneš linijom manjeg ili nepostojećeg otpora, što ne vodi nikud.

Imam neke resurse gdje se dobar dio gore navedenog materijala može skinut “besplatno”, ali neću propagirat piratiku po forumu, vjerujem da nije ni u skladu sa pravilima, tako da… snađi se.

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