Da li cu opet imati problema sa tuzbom?

Evo gledam da uzmem domenu thesimpsonsgames . Da li cu imati problema sa FOX kao vlasnikom The Simpsons trademarka, kao sto sam svojevremeno bio pirisljen ugasiti stranicu legoigre.info , nakon upozorenja njihove odvjetnice ? Ali opet, gledam recimo domenu http://www.thesimpsonsgames.net/ koja postoji od 2009, pa racunam ako oni do sada nisu dobili tuzbu ili upozorenje da domenu skolne, nadam se da necu niti ja. Sto vi mislite i kako se uopce unaprijed prije kupnje ovakvih domena provjeravaju ovakve stvari ?

Držim da ti problem ne gine, i savjetujem da odustaneš od toga. :frowning:
The Simpsons Games .net nije pod nikakvom tužbom iz prostog razloga što nije uspješan dovoljno (koliko vidim iz prve) :slight_smile: a ti, vjerujem, imaš sasvim drugačije planove? :slight_smile:

Iz istog razloga se neki čude kada im Google udari penal tek kada uhvate neku zaradu (promet), a u prekršaju su stalno. :slight_smile: Prije toga su nevidljivi.

Naravno da imam i vjerujem da bi uspio izaci na prvu stranicu za pretragu “simpsons games online” u roku od cca 2-3 mjeseca. Medjutim, sada nisam siguran sto da radim. Vjerujem da je trademark “The Simpsons”, pa tako ako bi domena bila simpsonsgamesonline , vjerujem da mi ne bi mogli nista, jer, mozda se ja prezivam simpson i to su moje autorske igre, jel :smiley:

He he, sve i da se prezivaš Simpson,
ne bih se kladio na tebe (u ovom slučaju). Dapače. :slight_smile:

Mislim pa to je, oprostite na izrazu, debilno i degenericno. Znaci neki Amer se preziva Simpson, i ne smije registrirat domenu simpsonspictures.com ? Glupost zesca. Doduse igre koje bi ja stavljao nisu vlasnistvo FOX-a niti je bilo koja napravljena od strane renomiranih frimi poput EA games ili slicno.

I ja ti isto toplo savjetujem da odustanes, razlog jednostavan =KAPITALIZAM :slight_smile:

Nije. Ao se ti prezivaš simpson i uzmes domenu simpson nesto i na tome imas svoj privatan sajt koji nema veze sa simpsonima, nece te nitko dirati. Ako se prezivas simpson i otvoris sajt sa the simpsonima, najebat ces.

Ja sam imao sajt s takvom domenom i nisam imao problema, a sajt je zaradivao i na kraju je prodan. Ali ako mislis da ce ti EMD domena nesto pomoci zaboravi na to, u zadnjih par mjeseci je to iskljuceno skrzo i sada se samo predlaze brandirane domene, moje iskustvo i iskustvo stranih blogera, da nebi ispalo da nesto filozofiram.

Ok, ali moje iskustvo govori drukcije, da google algoritam update koji rusi EMD domene nema veze s vezom. Jer su mi sve stranice EMD domene po glavnoj kljucnoj rijeci i sa svima sam vrlo uspjesan. ALi ok, necu uzimati tu domenu i sve 5.

ma nece ti ju google srusiti ali danas ako kreces raditi stranicu i krenes s novom domenom, emd ti nece napraviti neki utjecaj, tocnije ce ti vise odmoci nego pomoci… na primjer dobra je stvar kupovati dropane domene, samo treba biti oprezan…pogledaj malo ljude koji zgrcu lovu od seo trafica i sto kazu o emd domenama…nemoj misliti da ja tu prosipam neku pamet.

Ono sto ti hocu reci da je googleov algoritam toliko proucen, da su ljudi razvili metode toliko dobre da sami upravljaju svojim linkovima, da google vise ne moze utjecati na to, da mu jedina opcija preostaje da utjece na starost domene. Tocnije da u zadnjih par mjeseci koju god domenu uzmes s njom se nista nece desiti minimalno 6 mjeseci, bila onda brendirana ili emd ili trece. Nacin da se to zaobize kupovina isteklih domena, ali to je opet rizik da domena nebi bila terorizirana, tako da i s time treba pripaziti, ali trenutno najaci vodic za pronalazak takvih domena je


Evo ti dokazi:

Why Larger Sites?
As Hayden says, “Micro Sites are dead” because of:
Sandbox. It’s simply taking up to 6 months for a niche site to truly rank well in Google; and this time lapse can tie up cashflow…making it more difficult to build dozens or hundreds of sites at once.
The EMD update took away the weight of having an exact match domain.
However, overall Hayden is still using similar process for keyword research, he is just working on larger sites.
One of the benefits of building larger sites is that they can get higher multiples when selling, not just through Empire Flippers (where all sites are listed at 20 times monthly earnings; a very healthy multiple).
The Google sandbox seems to only exist for higher LMS keywords:
Hits homepages more than inner pages
Building on expired domains seems to bypass or at least reduce sandbox

The Story So Far

The Google Sandbox

Never have I been more sure that the Google Sandbox exists than I am today.

This domain has confirmed what I have thought for some time now, and that is that the Google sandbox does exist and there is now a period of 4-6 months where your newly registered domain name will not perform well in the SERPS.

This means it is now taking around 6 months to see any positive SERP movements in Google for brand new registered domains. There are exceptions, however this has been the case for most of my sites and this one in particular.

I have thought for a long time that the Google sandbox wasn’t something to be concerned with. However if we learn anything from this case study it is that the Google Sandbox definitely should be taken into consideration when starting a niche site.

How do I know?

Well, after purchasing the domain I did nothing other than set up a basic site and add 1,500 words to the homepage. There was nothing special about the homepage, just a couple of mini product reviews and an list of the pros and cons for these products, along with a tablepress comparison table.

I wrote the content myself, so I knew it was unique and pretty good in comparison to the top 10 competition based on word count and information quality.

The Waiting Game

I decided not to build any links to the site as I wanted to test how well a brand new domain would rank post algo update, on its own. Plus I wanted to test my sandbox theory.

Nothing really happened for the first 6 months, the site sat around 200+ position for it’s main keyword with little to no movement.

Then something crazy happened. The day after the site turned 6 months old, I checked my rankings via SERPBook, and low and behold, there was my site sitting pretty at 40th position for its main keyword. This was with zero link building and zero updates in 6 months…!