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može poslužiti nekome ko ima stranicu sa filmovima i ostalim zbog lokacije :sweden: jer firma nije u USA (Miss Group SE).

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to ništa ne znači, svaka država ima svoj zakon o autorskim pravima, samo se treba pozvati na pravi zakon :smiley:

i stablehost je registrovan na adresi

1530 E. Williams Field Road,
Suite #201-20,
Gilbert, AZ 85295

dakle u USA, džaba što je server u švedskoj ako tvoje podatke hendluje firma iz SAD-a … ne navlači ljude na zlo :smiley:

evo im brendova ovde

to su im offici, headquarters je u stockholm

pusti šuplju, lične podatke hendluje firma iz SAD-a :smiley:

All services provided by StableHost may only be used for lawful purposes. The laws of the State of Florida and The United States of America apply. If you are hosting in our our Europe or Asia division, the local laws of that location also apply.

Contact information for Personal Data Responsible

2719 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, FL 33020 USA
[email protected]

Sites hosted on StableHost’s service(s) are regulated only by U.S. law. Given this fact, and pursuant to Section 230© of the Communications Decency Act, we do not remove allegedly defamatory material from domains hosted on our service(s). The only exception to this rule is if the material has been found to be defamatory by a court, as evidenced by a court order. is not in a position to investigate and validate or invalidate the veracity of individual defamation claims, which is why we rely on the legal system and courts to determine whether or not material is indeed considered defamatory. In any case in which a court order indicates material is defamatory, libelous, or slanderous in nature; we will disable access to the material. Similarly, in any case in which a US Court has placed an injunction against specified content or material; we will comply and remove or disable access to the material in question.

By using any StableHost services, you agree to submit to binding arbitration. If any disputes or claims arise against StableHost or its subsidiaries, such disputes will be handled by an arbitrator of StableHost’s choice. An arbitrator from the American Arbitration Association or the National Arbitration Forum will be selected in the state of Florida. Arbitrators shall be attorneys or retired judges and shall be selected pursuant to the applicable rules. All decisions rendered by the arbitrator will be binding and final. The arbitrator’s award is final and binding on all parties. The Federal Arbitration Act, and not any state arbitration law, governs all arbitration under this Arbitration Clause. You are also responsible for any and all costs related to such arbitration.

dakle, ako držite takve sajtove, nemojte ih hostati na stablehostu


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ništa od torrenta, ak ništa dobra je promocija za ostale sajtove, ebi ih

ako neko hoće pravog švedskog offshore provajdera, je mjesto za to

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Šerif Konjević - Švedska 2002 INTAKT

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