Kako se spojiti preko SSH na hosting?

Kako se spojiti preko SSH na običan shared hosting?
Išao sam preko ovog tutoriala https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/ssh/shared-reseller-ssh

  • SSH ključ je kreiran i autoriziran
  • SSH ključ je konvertiran i skinut
  • preko Putty otvorim skinuti privatni ključ pod Connection/SSH/Auth i pod Session postavim ime domene i port 3497 (https://moj.totohost.hr/index.php?rp=/knowledgebase/9/SSH-konekcija.html)
  • Putty tad baci error: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available ( server sent: publickey)

Skini public key i njega ubaci i radice(kao sto pise i u uputstvu)

Step 4.On the next screen, locate the key you just created under the Public Keys section. Then click the Manage link (under the Actions column) next to your new key.