Pa pregovarala sam veoma uspjesno, a pregovori su bili veoma neuspjesni
Cini mi se da sam ja to sve fino srocila, slijedeci vase savjete, ali lik ocito nije imao interesa da kupi domen, htio je samo pare da iscupa. Dala sam da se pise rewrite teksta, a evo nase komunikacije, pa ako neko bude u slicnoj situaciji, moze da vidi kako da se trudi i na kraju ne uradi nista .
Nakon sto sam mu trazila onih 1470$, on je trazio 600$ za njegov tekst, koji sam uzela sa web archive:
Sorry, This is much too expensive.
You are using my original content on the site, without my
I think $600 is a reasonable amount for you to compensate me if you
wish to continue using it.
If not I will have to contact your hosting provider to request the
site is removed.
ja njemu onda ovo, kako rece @tpojka
Thank you for contacting me,
To help clarify things, please send me a proof of original works of authorship that:
* You are the previous owner
* You are the original creator of the website
* The content is secured by copyright law
After submitting, I will be glad to forward your request to our legal
team, and they will make contact with you to discuss this further.
If you are interested in buying the domain, I would appreciate the
A on meni ovo:
I dont wish to send any of this information requested to an anonymous
email address but I can prove the works are original.
Can you let me know if you will compensating me for the contents of
the site?
If not, i will raise the issue with your hosting provider.
Znaci jasno je da covjek nema interesa da kupi domen, a ja sam bas mislila da ga se rijesim, te mu napisah ovako:
Thank you for your response,
without this submission, we have no evidence for copyright subject and nothing to go on.
Even if we had, I am not interested in buying the content, cause it mainly contains from YouTube links and sheet music notes *********, that are public domain.
Our content writer would rewrite the remaining few articles.
200$ is not acceptable for the domain, cause it costed more than double on auctions and has a lot of potential as an indexed and old domain.
If you are willing to give me proof you are the previous owner, I will sell it to you back for 450$ without any extra charge, but this is my last offer.
Please let me know.
Eto, to bi bilo to. Nije se vise ni javljao od tada (proslo je 7 dana), tako da je to zavrsena prica. Sad sam upravo narucila rewrite tekstova, hvala da si me podsjetio.