Eto saga sa Envato se nastavlja. Kažu oni u mailu:
"As a precautionary measure against fraudulent activities, any disputes or chargebacks will result in an automatic suspension of your Envato account until the matter is resolved. The payment in question has been reversed, and to proceed, a manual payment of $47.50 for the item “WordPress & WooCommerce Scraper Plugin, Import Data from Any Site” is required. "
Znači moj Envato account je blokiran i ja sada, primjerice, ne mogu updateati temu na jednoj svojoj web stranici koju sam uredno platio jer me oni PRISILJAVAJU da platim ovaj plugin koji mi je beskoristan.
“Reactivating your account would result in a refunded item being active. While I understand your desire to no longer have or require this item, we are unable to simply reactivate your account as we strive to maintain fairness for both our authors and customers. I’ll be happy to check on evidence of the errors the item had and have our QA review them to find these errors, this will allow us to take action on the item to have the author improve such matters.”
A ja njemu lijepo odgovorio:
"You said: “Reactivating your account would result in a refunded item being active.” This isn’t my problem and I don’t care about this - this is your problem and you need to find a way to remove that item from my account.
I am forced to pay this or otherwise, I can not use my account and all other items I have in that account.
Ne, ja nemam previše slobodnog vremena.
Ne mogu mi uvjetovati da ja platim plugin kojim nisam zadovoljan odnosno koji nema onu funkcionalnost za koju autor plugina tvrdi da ima.
Budući da je to ne želim platiti i takav nefunkcionalan plugin mi uopće ne treba zašto jednostavno ne maknu taj plugin sa mog accounta i riješen problem?
Ali ne, oni me uvjetuju da ja MORAM platiti plugin koji neću nikada koristiti jer inače mi je account zaključan i ne mogu koristiti ostale teme i pluginove koji su vezani na taj account.
To što su oni tehnički nesposobni pa ne znaju ili nemaju način kako da taj plugin “otkvače” sa mog accounta definitivno nije moj problem.
Ovo je ništa drugo nego ucjena.
Edit: nisam jedini, postoji još ovakvih slučajeva: