Oglašavanje na sajtu

Juče sam dobio upit preko kontakt forme na jednom mom sajtu a glasi:


My name is Christian Santos and I work for Digitally Distinctive an
online Marketing agency.

Currently I am working for a client in the General technology industry
"Freeview / TV" and I came across *********.com and I would like to
advertise on your site.

I was wondering if you would accept or would be interested in adding a
non-intrusive advertisement on your site?

Please let me know if this interests you and we can discuss it in more

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I look forward to
hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Odgovorio sam dotičnom gospodinu i dobio sljedeći odgovor?.

Hi Niko,

Thank you for getting back to me.

We are interested in acquiring a simple text based advertisement on your site.
The advertisement will take the form of a simple HTML link embedded in the content of your page.

Would it be possible to add a short paragraph to your target page? We have found from previous experience that most webmasters are happy with the content that we provide, and we are happy to make adjustments to ensure that you are completely satisfied.

We do our best to pay you within 48 hours of the advert going live on your site via Paypal

The details of our proposal are…
Page of advert:

Rate (per year): 60 USD per year
Client Industry: General technology "LCD TV / Freeview"
Payment: Paypal within 48 hours of advert going live
If you are happy with the above then let me know and we will get our writer to create the text along with the client information and send it over to you as soon as possible.

Other Question: the position of the banner
Answer: We don’t work with site-wide adverts, banner adverts. We work with you to create the right text for your site.

Thanks again for replying, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me

Kind Regards,

PS: If you have any other sites that you are willing to advertise on, it would be fantastic if you could send them over and we can work out a deal.

Koliko sam skužio radi se o Članku koji bi oni napisali i objavili na mom sajtu…
Dali vrijedi 60$ članak na 1 god na sajtu, doduše mene ništa ne košta čisto informativno dali se može tražiti više ili jednostavno potvrditi da se slažem.?

Ima li tko više iskustva…?

Informativno tematika sajta je LCD.

koliko sam skužio on ti daje 60$ da njegov članak staviš na svoju web stranicu .
Ovo ti je pre dobra cijena

Mislim da firme placaju 100$ min za link, a ako je tu i nesto teksta ide skuplje.

Naravno ovo su ubacivali u neki clanak ili na naslovnu stranicu.

Sad ako ce on napisati clanak mozda je drugacije.
trebas ga pitati koliko ce biti externih linkova u tom clanku, ako je 1 onda je ok.

Ako ima vise onda nadjite neku cijenu po linku.

Ma trazi vise, bar 100. Ako nikako nece, onda uzmi ovig 60 SEO se promjenio, sada se svi fokusiraju na to da dobiju linkove iz clanaka koji imaju puno vecu vrijednost od obicnih. A jos imas i site koji im po nisi odgovara, nemoj dati link za sicu.

Premalo je 60$, agencije sa sličnim pristupom su plaćale i do 180$ za istu stvar.

Nije premalo.
Više nude samo oni koji se ne mogu oglašavati na druge načine, npr. online kockarnice i pornjava.

Ja bi prihvatio tu cifru.

[quote=“trnac”]Nije premalo.
Više nude samo oni koji se ne mogu oglašavati na druge načine, npr. online kockarnice i pornjava.

Ja bi prihvatio tu cifru.[/quote]

Ako uzmemo u obzir da se site-wide linkovi prodaju po 30-50$ mjesečno (ovisi naravno o tematici stranice, jakosti i sl.) onda je 60$ malo za link koji će imati svoju podstranicu i koji će biti okružen relevantnim tekstom i još za period od godinu dana.

Na svaki novi posao treba gledati kao na početak dugoročne suradnje.
Iskazivanjem “mišića” i cjenkanjem se vrata mogu nepovratno zatvoriti.

U drugu ruku, članak na stranici može privući i novog oglašivača, biti svojevrstan mamac.

Ovisi kakav je tko trgovac.

Ipak sam potvrdio da je u redu 60$.

Oni pišu tekst a koliko će biti linkova u sadržaju neznam pretpostavljam 1/2 linka.

Imam još nekih sajtova koji bi za njih mogli bili interesantni pa možda bude još koji članak.

Dobio sam odgovor:

Hi Niko,

That’s great news, I am happy that we can work together on this. Just to recap, we have agreed on the following:

Page of advert:

Rate (per year): 60 USD per year
Client Industry: General technology "LCD TV / Freeview"
Payment: Paypal ASAP after the link is live.

If you could please confirm this is all okay and I will send your site to my manager to be approved. Once approved I will send you the suggested content ASAP.

In the meantime if you could please send me your paypal address for quick payment it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much
Christian Santos

Danas dobih još jedan upit za jedan web za postavljanje teksta sa linkom.
Jedino što je sadržaj koji žele objaviti za Online Igre, koliko tražiti za njih neznam??

Zatražiću da daju neku ponudu pa onda vidjeti dali se isplati…

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Besteht es die Möglichkeit auf Ihrer Webseite ( ***********.com ) einen Werbetext unterzubringen ? Gegen eine angemessene Gegenleistung bin ich sehr interessiert.

Der Werbetext, den ich gerne auf Ihrer Homepage oder auf einer untergliederten Seite unterbringen möchte, umfasst einen Text bezogen auf “Online Spiele” und verweist auf eine bekannte Webseite. Es handelt sich also um eine Link-Platzierung. Als Alternative wäre es vielleicht möglich einen Artikel auf Ihre Webseite zu publizieren ?

Wenn Sie Interesse daran haben, einen Werbetext auf Ihrer Seite platzieren zulassen, dann teilen Sie mir bitte per E-Mail mit, auf welcher Seite dieser Text erscheinen kann und die entsprechenden Preise jeweils für einen Monat oder ein Jahr.

Über eine baldige Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sabine Mueller

krenulo te :slight_smile:

Stigao odgovor i njihova ponuda na koju sam pristao.
A glasi:

Ihre Seite hat einen PageRank von 1 , wir sind dafuer bereit einmalig
EUR 25
zu Zaheln. Der Artikel muss dafuer aber nicht auf der ersten Seite sich
PayPal ist in Ordnung, wir brauchen auch keine Rechnung. Was sagen Sie ?

Svemu ovome mogu zahvaliti Cyber Weekend-u gdje je posjeta porasla nevjerovatno puno ovih dana.

Evo još jedna ponuda stigla.


I work for More Digital; a UK based Digital Marketing Consultancy.

We represent clients interested in social media marketing on smaller sites with little or no existing advertising and we’re currently looking for advertising partners.

We pay a fixed upfront annual fee which we will agree on with you. Once the ad is in place, payment is made within approximately 48 hours.

Would you be interested in placing a small text-based ad on ********.eu?

Kind regards,
Lewis Peters

Stigao odgovor na koji sam poslao upit da predlože ponudu:

Šta od ovoga odabrati, da su ponudili jednu opciju lako bih se odlučio:

Šta bi bilo najbolje.??

Hello again,

Thanks for getting back to me!

We have (3) three options regarding the type of advertising that we offer.

Option 1) Simple text based advert
Basically, we focus on placing a small, simple text-advert within a single page inside your site (nothing fancy or site-wide like banner ads).

We offer adverts from popular online clients. For this I can offer you 100 USD per year.

Option 2) New page on your site
What we have in mind is to sponsor a new page or post on your site.

We would offer you 150 USD a year for this kind of advertisement.

Option 3) Free Range Content
Basically, we wish you to create a new post or article on your blog to accommodate our client’s link.

We will provide you with the URL, and you can link to it in any manner you see fit. You can write the page in review format or simply write about the usual topics on [DOMAIN.COM].

The advert will be for our online client and the rate we can offer you is 125USD per annum.

Our team of content writers will create an entirely new page that will be tailored to fit with the current content of the site. They will also choose which option suits your site.We will make sure that you agree with how the new page has been put together before asking you to place it live on your site.

An example of how our advert copy may look like can be found here:
where ‘Virgin Atlantic’ is the text advert.

We aim to complete payment via secure payment partners Paypal or Moneybookers within 48 hours of the advert going live on your site.

Also, please read our terms and conditions:

If you are interested, we would refer your site to our client team to choose the best match for your site and draft the text for you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Lewis Peters

Hah :smiley: Lepo, lepo… Bas te je krenulo… Samo neka se nastavi tako :smiley:

Zanimljivo. Koliko posetu imas da ti nude ovu vrstu saradnje?

Statistika za 11 mjesec za 13 dana:


Ovu domenu sam preselio kod sebe na server jer je stvarala probleme hosteru.

I početak 12-og mjeseca.



Dvije ponude su finalizirane na obostrano zadovoljstvo.

Danas dobio upit da mogu preuzeti i objaviti neke članke na jednom svom webu, koliko sam skužio.??

Svakako ću ih kontaktirati o više detalja…

Na Njemačkom se jako loše snalazim a tekst glasi:

Sehr geehrtes Team von ***********.com,

wir möchten Sie hiermit über den neuen kostenfreien redaktionellen Service von News.de informieren.

Mit dem News.de Textbasar haben Sie ab sofort die Möglichkeit Texte von News.de auch für eigene Online-Zwecke kostenfrei zu nutzen und zu veröffentlichen. Sie können dabei aus sämtlichen Kategorien (Sport, Entertainment, Promis) wählen und redaktionelle Artikel selbst einbinden.

Evtl. für Sie interessante Artikel:
“RTL-Jahresrückblick - Jauch macht den Gottschalk”, Link

“Bundesliga - Robbery rauben Gomez die Tore”, Link

“Fußball-EM - Deutschland gegen Ronaldo und Robben”, Link

“Rechte Gewalt - 182 Tote klagen an”, Link

"Guttenberg-Buch - Der Plagiator holt die Keule raus"

Sie können den News.de Textbasar ach einer einfachen und unverbindlichen Anmeldung sofort via HTML, RSS oder PHP-Widget kostenfrei nutzen. Die News.de Artikel werden dabei ausschließlich von der eigenen Redaktion erstellt.

Bei Interesse freuen wir uns sehr von Ihnen zu hören und können auch gerne individuelle Bedingungen vereinbaren.

Mit besten Grüßen und einen schönen Wochenstart!

Norman Peetz
Online Marketing Manager

****** Holding GmbH
Barfußgässchen 11 | 04109 Leipzig

Ma reci im da ti pišu na engleskom pa stvarno mi nije jasno da oni misle da svi živi znaju njemački jbt koji je to k… Tak sam i ja znao dobivati razne mailove na raznim jezicima. mislim ono, kad mi posalju nesto na ruskom ili bugarskom - pa jbt jel ti stvarno ocekujes da ja znam te jezike ili sta, WTF covjece