Otkud relevantne reklame na fb

kako fb zna koje reklame da mi prikazuje, otkud reklame za hosting na fb kad nista o hostingu nisam trazila na fb sve iskljucivo na guglu, a sad mi na fb izlaze isključivo reklame za hosting??

Ajd za gugl je razumljivo, ali sta je sa fb, kupe informacije o mojim pretrazivanjima nakon izlaska sa fb. kako? i zar je dozvoljeno?

@anja1 slazem se s tobom :slight_smile: sve sto trazim na google takve reklame budu na FB-u malo nelogicno.

pa valjda su ti ubacili neki tracker ili nešto, vjerojatno sve po zakonu i vjerojatno si to prihvatila kada si se registrirala na facebook. Ništa neobično IMO

ja vec duze vrijeme sumnjam da je Google kupio Facebook…

Like gumbe imaju skoro sve stranice, ako si prijavljena na FB, vrlo vjerovatno se mogu prikupiti informacije na kojim su stranicama tebi posluživani FB gumbi za lajkanje i sl. :slight_smile:

O tom praćenju izvan FB se već pisalo na veliko.

http://lifehacker.com/5843969/facebook-is-tracking-your-every-move-on-the-web-heres-how-to-stop-it meni je ovo novo i grozno.

Od prvog dana osnutka FB prati svoje korisnike i skladišti sve objavljeno ikada na FB ,A mogućnost brisanja profila zapravo ne postoji. A nastao je kao i naše sajtovi i normalno je da nas prate i skupljaju naše ideje o poslu i realiziraju ih. Ali gdje je tu pravo o privatnosti a, o autorskim pravima na naše podatke fotografije ,videa i sve tomu slično!? Nitko od nas se nije odrekao svoga prava.

Evo, za one koje zanima malo privacy akcije:

Kevin Huang from FFTF [email protected]
5:40 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Facebook just announced a creepy new tracking system that watches you even when you’re not on Facebook. Click here to opt out and say NO!

We’ve done a lot together to win real victories against government surveillance, now it’s time to address the big elephant in the room: companies like Facebook, whose business models are fundamentally at odds with their user’s rights.

Last week, Facebook announced that it will begin tapping into your web browsing and Internet data outside of Facebook to serve ads.[1] This is incredibly creepy. By selling and sharing your and every Internet user’s personal data to private companies and government agencies, Facebook is putting everyone at risk of having their basic rights abused. Even if you don’t have a Facebook account, Facebook can still track you and hand your information over. [2]

Click here to see how Facebook is using your web browsing history.

We’re telling Facebook to stop and our campaign is growing fast! In the last two days, more than 50,000 of you have already taken action to tell Zuckerberg and Facebook to stop creeping on our every movement on the Internet. And the number of voices joining our action only keep growing each second.

This could be bad for all of us and not just because Mark Zuckerberg can look at your browsing history. Facebook’s close ties with government agencies like the NSA threaten your and every Internet user’s right to privacy. [3] If Zuckerberg is data mining every trace of your Internet usage, then the NSA has that same data too.[4] That’s why it’s so important that we take action and stop this abuse now.

Yes, I’ll support the campaign to tell Facebook to stop abusing my right to privacy!

We’ve won major victories for Internet freedom in the past, let’s add this to that list. If we can get enough people to demand that Facebook stop abusing Internet user’s right to privacy, we can stop them.

For the Internet,
Kevin, Holmes, Evan, and Tiffiniy
Fight for the Future

P.S.Taking action on this campaign won’t de-activate your Facebook account or anything like that. We’ll simply send the message to Facebook and demand that they stop this new invasive practice.

P.P.S. Taking on Facebook’s abuse of privacy is no small task, but our small team is working hard to make this campaign spread wide and far. Can you chip in to help us take on Facebook? Please donate $20 (or more) today!

[1] Washington Post. “Facebook draws fire from privacy advocates over ad changes”. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2014/06/12/privacy-experts-say-facebook-changes-open-up-unprecedented-data-collection/

[2] Social Science Research Network. “Facebook Tracks and Traces Everyone. Like this!” http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1717563

[3] Bloomberg Businessweek. “Europe’s High Court Will Look at Facebook’s Possible Role in NSA Spying”. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-06-18/europes-high-court-will-look-at-facebooks-possible-role-in-nsa-spying

[4] Mother Jones. “Where Does Facebook Stop and the NSA Begin?”. http://www.motherjones.com/media/2013/10/facebook-personal-data-online-privacy-social-norm

i fejs sad ima remarketing…a posto svi imaju neke apije nebi me cudilo da se to sve djeli…sto se tice brisanja kak mi je reko developer otkako su gigabajti jeftini nista se vise ne brise u aplikacijama… samo ukljucuje i iskljucuje…jer nikad neznas kaj ce ti neki podatak zatrebat…

Ovo sam i ja primijetio prije 20tak dana. Guglam nekog IM lika i onda par minuta kasnije mi se prikazuje taj lik na fejsu i prodaje neki kurs. A na fejsu nit sam sta lajko od njega nit sam ga trazio niti spominjao igdje.

Upravo radi ovakvih stvari ja vec duze vremena sumnjam da je Google kupio Fejs, samo se o tome suti…

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Nema sanse da bi se o necemu takvom moglo ćutati. Bogzna koliko dionicara imaju Fejs i Gugl.

Vjerovatno se radi o nekom trackeru od Fejsa koji prati daleko vise nego sto bi trebao.

Sumnjam da je Google kupio fejs, pokrenuo je mrežu Google +, neznam zašto bi ju pokretali ako imaju fejs?

Nikad nije dosta :smiley:

Neki dan se sprijateljio sa jednim karatistom, odmah mi reklama o nekom karate programu koji počinje na ljeto :D.