Problem posjete (XML parsing error)

Evo imam problem sa posjetama

ovaj mi error izbaci

XML Parsing Error: no element found

Line Number 1, Column 1:

Evo cijeli fajl

include 'baza.php';
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
header("Pragma: no-cache");



$m= date("m");
$d= date("d");
$y= date("Y"); 


$lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-1, date("Y"));




	<axis_category size='10' color='000000' alpha='75' font='arial' bold='true' skip='0' orientation='diagonal_up' />
	<axis_ticks value_ticks='true' category_ticks='true' />

	<chart_border top_thickness='0' bottom_thickness='3' left_thickness='3' right_thickness='0' />
$gal=mysql_query("select distinct datum from posjete where koga='$id' order by datum asc",$db) or die (mysql_error());
while ($galba=mysql_fetch_array($gal)) {
<string><? if($galba['datum']==$danasnjidatum){ echo "danas"; }elseif($galba['datum']==$jucer){ echo "jucer"; }else{ echo $dat[2].".".$dat[1].".".$dat[0]; }?></string>


$gal=mysql_query("select distinct datum from posjete where koga='$id' order by datum asc",$db) or die (mysql_error());
while ($galba=mysql_fetch_array($gal)) {
$galbb2=mysql_query("select count(*) as neshta from posjete where koga='$id' and datum='".$galba['datum']."'");

$galbbba = mysql_fetch_array($galbb2) or die(mysql_error());

<string><? echo $galbb; ?></string>
		<axis_value alpha='90' orientation='horizontal' max='<? echo $yosa+20; ?>'/>

	<chart_grid_h thickness='1' color='000000' alpha='20' />
	<chart_grid_v thickness='1' color='000000' alpha='20' />
	<chart_rect x='-15' y='-20' width='425' height='230' positive_alpha='20' />
	<chart_pref rotation_x='20' rotation_y='40' />
	<chart_transition type='blink' delay='.5' duration='1' order='series' />
	<chart_type>parallel 3d column</chart_type>
	<chart_value color='000000' background_color='ffff00' alpha='90' size='12' position='cursor' />

	<legend_label layout='horizontal' font='arial' bold='true' size='12' color='000000' alpha='50' />
	<legend_rect x='25' y='250' width='350' height='50' margin='20' fill_color='000000' fill_alpha='7' line_color='000000' line_alpha='0' line_thickness='0' />

	<series_gap bar_gap='50' set_gap='50' />

$m= date("m");
$d= date("d");
$y= date("Y"); 


$lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-1, date("Y"));




	<axis_category size='10' color='000000' alpha='75' font='arial' bold='true' skip='0' orientation='diagonal_up' />
	<axis_ticks value_ticks='true' category_ticks='true' />

	<chart_border top_thickness='0' bottom_thickness='3' left_thickness='3' right_thickness='0' />
$gal=mysql_query("select distinct datum from posjete where koga='$id' order by datum asc",$db) or die (mysql_error());
while ($galba=mysql_fetch_array($gal)) {
<string><? if($galba['datum']==$danasnjidatum){ echo "danas"; }elseif($galba['datum']==$jucer){ echo "jucer"; }else{ echo $dat[2].".".$dat[1].".".$dat[0]; }?></string>

			<string>Posjete od korisnika</string>

$gal=mysql_query("select distinct datum from posjete where koga='$id' order by datum asc",$db) or die (mysql_error());
while ($galba=mysql_fetch_array($gal)) {

$galbb2=mysql_query("select count(*) as neshta from posjete where koga='$id' and datum='".$galba['datum']."'");

$galbbba = mysql_fetch_array($galbb2) or die(mysql_error());

<string><? echo $galbb; ?></string>
			<string>Moje Posjete</string>

$gal=mysql_query("select distinct datum from posjete where koga='$drugiid' order by datum asc",$db) or die (mysql_error());
while ($galba=mysql_fetch_array($gal)) {
$galbb=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select id_posjete from posjete where koga='$drugiid' and datum='".$galba['datum']."'"));
<string><? echo $galbb; ?></string>
		<axis_value alpha='90' orientation='horizontal' max='<? echo $yosa+20; ?>'/>

	<chart_grid_h thickness='1' color='000000' alpha='20' />
	<chart_grid_v thickness='1' color='000000' alpha='20' />
	<chart_rect x='-15' y='-20' width='425' height='230' positive_alpha='20' />
	<chart_pref rotation_x='20' rotation_y='40' />
	<chart_transition type='blink' delay='.5' duration='1' order='series' />
	<chart_type>parallel 3d column</chart_type>
	<chart_value color='000000' background_color='ffff00' alpha='90' size='12' position='cursor' />

	<legend_label layout='horizontal' font='arial' bold='true' size='12' color='000000' alpha='50' />
	<legend_rect x='25' y='250' width='350' height='50' margin='20' fill_color='000000' fill_alpha='7' line_color='000000' line_alpha='0' line_thickness='0' />

	<series_gap bar_gap='50' set_gap='50' />



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