Resource Limit Is Reached - PROBLEM

Ne mogu pristupiti web stranici. Error je:

"Resource Limit Is Reached

The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."

Na cpanelu mu je ovaj neki ivemap 50 od 50

Šta bi mogao biti problem?

Mislim da si udrio maksimalan broj istovremenih procesa koji se vrte na serveru. Tipicno konkurentnih konekcija ukoliko je apache gore.

Hmm, a kako da riješim ovaj problem? Ja sam na stranicu samo dodavao tekstove, a stranica je imala u minuti 60-ak aktivnih čitatelja.

Promijeni host, promijeni webserver, provjeri svoj software postoji li razlog zbog kojeg procesi ostaju hangeat… Skroz mi je nevjerojatno da je 60-ak citatelja udrilo taj limit, osim ako se bas nisu dogovorili i kliknili link u isto vrijeme.

Stranica je i dalje nedostupna. :frowning:

Možeš li mi ti to uraditi, i za koju cijenu?

Misliš da trebam negdje drugo zakupiti hosting?

Sori, ne uziman dodatno posla trenutno, a i siguran sam da tu lurkaju sistemci i hosting provideri koji ce te znat savjetovat ili ti pomoc konkretnije.
Promjena hosta je ok brzi fiks (trenutno mozes i restartat server za slucaj da je problem u konekcijama koje se nece ubit). Idealno zelis identificirat zasto se to događa, i eventualno preci na nginx.

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Moguce je da jesu akio koristi mnogo pluginova i ima mnogo querya po loadu.

A sada mozes napraviti jedino da odes na VPS.

A selenje na VPS ti ej ejdnostavno, ako kupis od nekog domaceg providera, javit ce ti se, oni ti sloze sve, malo vise ces platiti i to je to.

Ja ti mogu za malu cifru sloziti VPS na

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Koliko bi me godišnje koštao VPS?

Ne treba mu nikakav vps. Nemoguce da se to dogodi radi 60 korisnika istovremeno. Negdje drugdje je problem, ocito je to nekakav jadan server.

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Nisma kompetentan, ali cu napisati ono sto sam video na mom shared hostingu.
U nekom trenutku je bilo oko 90 i nesto korisnika istovremeno, nije doslo do ispadanja sajta kao u tvom slucaju “Resource Limit…”, a znalo je da se desi kad ih je bilo 30 ili 40 korisnika i tad u cPanelu vidim da je EntryProcess otisao na max 20.
Verovatno zavisi od toga sta koriste na sajtu, koje delove sajta, mozda neke zahtevnije.
Pisem podrsci, oni to u trenutku rese i onda idemo dalje :smile:

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Evom zguglao sam ti:
The error message “508 Resource Limit Is Reached” appears when your account is constantly exceeding the resources assigned to it - these can include CPU usage, RAM usage and/or the number of concurrent processes running under your cPanel account.

We run the CloudLinux operating system on all our shared and reseller servers, and this allows us to isolate accounts in their own lightweight virtual environment with a finite amount of resources allocated to each account. These resources are actually set a lot higher than we allow in our TOS but if you have resource heavy sites on your account then it’s possible you are constantly reaching these limits and your account is being temporarily throttled to maintain server stability.

You can check the resource usage of your account by logging into your cPanel and clicking on the “Resource Usage” icon. You can also view the real time live resource usage of your account by logging into your cPanel and looking at the stats down the left hand side of the page.

A resource usage spike every now and again is nothing to worry about and will cause minimum (if any) disruption to your account, but if you are facing constant issues then you should be looking at optimizing the code on your websites, or upgrading to a VPS or dedicated server.

If you are currently on a standard shared hosting account, you may find that your resource usage issue could be fixed by moving to a reseller account, this would mean each site would have its own cPanel, and its own set of resources. CloudLinux measures the resources on a per account basis, not per domain, so if you have a large number of domains on one account they all count towards the total resource usage.

We find that a lot of resource usage issues are due to badly coded scripts, such as 3rd party themes or plugins that are installed on a Wordpress blog, if you have a Wordpress blog on your account that is causing the resource usage issues, we recommend disabling all plugins, and then monitoring the resource usage with those plugins disabled, you can then reactivate the plugins 1 by 1 until your find which is causing your issue.

You can also check the document root of your websites for any error_log files, if you find an error_log file, you should take a look at the recent entries and fix any errors that are reported. Optimizing your database tables (if any of your sites are MySQL driven) via PHPMyAdmin is also a good way to keep things running smoothly.

Running error free, well coded websites will vastly reduce the resource usage on your account and lead to a much more stable hosting experience.

Googlao sam i ja, ali za lvemap resource limit i nema nekog rjesenja osim restartanja servisa na serveru. Ovdje ti jedino moze pomoci netko iz tvog hostinga.

Proradilo je samo od sebe.

Samo od sebe se sigurno nije rijesilo.

Vrlo vjerojatno je to sto je naprailo crash iskljuceno. Ali to sito znaci da ce biti kad tad ukljceno. Ili ako se radi o preopterecenju servera, odna ce doci prije ili poslije opet do opterecenja.

Procitaj onaj engleski dio, tamo ti je objasnjeno sve i sto sve mozes napraviti.

javi se na PM, pa dogovorimo dobru cijenu hostinga ili VPS-a. Par korisnika (10-ak) je preslo s ovog foruma kod mene i dosta su zadovoljni. Posjeti

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Truth has been spoken!

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