SPAM ili FB prevara


Na moj E-mail je došao ovaj dopis.Vlasnik sam jedne sportske stranice koja broji trenutno 118k lajkova.U pitanju je poslovna suradnja.Da li mislite da postoji rizik ako nekom dodjelimo Editora ?


Hello there!

My name is Wu Luong, Account Manager at Page Fever ( We are a Facebook brand awareness and traffic management company based in New York.

I want to start off by pointing out that you have an awesome page and I can see the amount of effort and work you put into it. It really stands out. Because I like what you have done with your page, I would like to ask if you would be interested in working with Page Fever.

Throughout our partnership, you can easily make $250 a week without having your Facebook Page affected in any way, and receive more traffic to your page with our complimentary services that we provide for becoming our partner.

Here’s how it works. We use your Facebook ads manager to advertise our health and beauty products. None of our ads will be pushed to your facebook page/account and these ads are not posted under your facebook page/name nor do we push our ads to your following base meaning you can use your facebook normally as you always did while at the same time being compensated for allowing us to utilize your facebook page. Facebook allows leeway to people who own very strong pages, and since our advertisements are “aggressive”, we need your help.

As you are already aware, your page is VERY active with posts and have been around Facebook for quite some time giving it a high profile status with thousands of likes. These traits of your page are major contributing factors that allow ads to stay up.

If you are interested in this partnership and the opportunity to have your page promoted and make money through your Facebook Page, please give us a listen.

If you make us the Editor of your page, and advertiser of your ads manager, we will be able to make ads through your ads manager. I will elaborate on this part in the next email if you are interested.

Once you make us “editor & advertiser” we will also have you add one of our credit cards to your account so that all expenses are taken care of at our end.

Once that is completed, you get an initial payment of $200, and every week from the day we become partners, we will be sending you $250 weekly. We also provide a complimentary service where we provide $50 worth of post boosts and that’s on the house just for being our partner so you not only get boosted posts but since our ads are not targeting your following base you actually get more traffic and likes from an audience that you don’t already appeal to.

Email me back if you are interested or if you wish to further discuss details about our partnership.
Thank you for your time and I hope to speak to you soon.

Mislim da nije prevara jedino sto moze da ti se desi je da ti ads nalog bude banovan pa da vise ne mozes da boostujes postove iz prostog razloga sto oni reklamiraju affiliate diet offere i samim tim krse facebook tos, ali da ce ti poslati pare u to stvarno ne sumnjam.

Sve je jasno napisano pa zapravo i ja mislim da je dobra poslovna odluka.Hvala

Američka firma koja prodaje diet fore i fazone želi baš na balkanskom sportskom pageu od 100k da sklopi deal? Meni tu nešto smrdi.

Ko je rekao da je page balkanski?

Nije bas prevara ali ocekuj da ban za ads account (nece ti utjecat nista na tvoj fb profil i stranicu).
Imas na blackhatworldu jako puno ljudi koji rentaju fb ads accounte za reklamiranje CPA stvari koje inace nisu dozvoljene. Lakse im je platit nekome za njegov profil nego pokusavat izbjeci sve zastite koje je facebook postavio da se sprijeci to.

Čak i ako je na EN opet 100k i to sportski nije nešto (u smislu reklamirati diet fazone za $200 sedmično) ali sudeći prema drugim komentarima možda i nije scam, probaj pa nam javi :).

Ne znam da li si shvatio nece on koristiti njegov fb organic reach vec njegov ads nalog uz page koji postoji vec duze vremena tako se izbegavaju fb ads banovi koji su inace vrlo cesti pri blackhat metodama, inace accovi kostaju oko 1000$ i niko ti nista ne garantuje znam coveka kupio za 1000$ drugi dan dobio ban tako da ovo je mnogo isplativija metoda…

Da li si negdje istaknuo da si ti vlasnik te stranice, pod istaknute admine stranice ili si pisao po nekim stranim forumima? Ako nisi, razmisli malo kako je bas dosao do tvog emaila.
Moguce da je i random poruka koju salje svima, ili je bas slucajnost?

Cao svima. I ja sam dobila taj mail za moju fb stranicu. Mozete mi reci dali ste odlucili za tu mogucnost i kako se isplatilo? Hvala i pozz, Anja