Suspendovan nalog za reklamiranje na fejsbuku

Pozdrav svima, 3-4 meseca sam bez problema boostovao ovakve postove i prodavao sam i reklama je uvek prolazila. Međutim pre neki dan, fejs se javio da krsi smernice i standarde, ne navodeći koje tačno. Da li može neka pomoć šta da radim, nalog za reklamiranje je suspendovan?

Da probate s drugog profila na stranici reklamirat, ili taj oglas sto je odbijen mislim da ima opciju za poslati na pregled ponovo. Probajte promijeniti slike da nema cijena na njima, mozda zato, ko bi im znao

Žali se, imaš rok 30 dana…

A šta nakon tog roka '???

Žalio sam se i posle otprilike jednog dana su odgovorili:

Hello Radoslav, Thanks for reaching out to us. We’ve reactivated your advertising account and you should now be able to create new ads and manage your existing ones. If you have a campaign that’s currently stopped, the ads within the campaign can’t be restarted until the campaign is active again.To turn your ads on:

    1. Go to your Ads Manager
    1. Find the ad you want to turn on or off
    1. In the Status column, use the switch to change the status to on or off

Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thanks for your understanding.How was your appeals experience? Give us your feedback to help us do better.Thanks,- The Facebook Ads Team

Ništa se nije desilo sa nalogom za reklame, pa sam ih ponovo pitao šta se dešava, a oni odgovaraju sledeće:

Hi Radoslav,

After further review of your Facebook account, we found you didn’t comply with our Advertising Policies (Werberichtlinien) or other standards. You will no longer be allowed to advertise and your access to features for managing ad and business accounts will remain limited.
The Facebook Business Team

Toliko o tome :confused:

Nakon tog roka dobiješ ban za stalno.

na novom nalogu nemoj koristiti iste kartice/paypal naloge