Zelje za novu godinu

ovo sam napisal na stocktwitsu…

Dear USSanta, here is my wishlist for New Year and the next decade that will make markets fly…
Smartphones and wearables with body and environment sensors, temperature, glucose, pressure, oxygen, etc…
Something like tricorder with optional implants…
Boston Dynamics Robots (female/male) for war, sex, kitchen, cleaning, driving, gardening…
OpenAI assistant for prepping and financials compatible with BD robots…
And Metaverse, of course…just like in movies…
And fusion, of course…
That’s what I would buy for sure…
And free vaccines for all!
I also want justified taxation based on weight, individual co2, and other emissions…
Limited right to vote for underage and multiple rights to vote for pregnant women…
And a wish for the USA folks exclusively…
Please let them adopt SI units…
And as for Russian Santa…
Please check authorship rights for Santa…
But it is a long shot…
May the great reset avoid you well.